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Wyoming State Benefits
The State of Wyoming offers a wide range of benefits for veterans, dependents and active duty service members.
Veterans' Home of Wyoming
This home is located on the historic site of Fort McKinney. It was built in the summer and fall of 1878. The home was established in 1895 with the first member being housed at Fort D. A. Russell (now F.E. Warren AFB) in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The home and its resident were transferred from Cheyenne to the home's present location in 1903. It is located three miles west of Buffalo, one-half mile south of Highway 16, at the base of the majestic Big Horn Mountains. Clear Creek from the Big Horns runs through the center of the area surrounding the home and supplies the fresh water for the resident trout pond.
For more information contact the Wyoming Veterans Commision:
Wyoming Veterans Commission
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Phone: 307-772-5145
Fax: 307-772-5202
Wyoming Financial Assistance Programs
Wyoming Veterans Tax Exemption
Qualifications: 1. Honorably Discharged and you must be a Wyoming resident at the time of entry into the military service or you must have resided in Wyoming for three years prior to application. 2. Honorably discharged veterans (Wyoming residents) who were awarded the armed forces expeditionary medal or other authorized service or campaign medal indicating service for the United States in any armed conflict in a foreign country. 3. You must provide your separation papers (DD-214).
Exemption applies to county fees, not state fees. Maximum exemption is $800.00. Maximum yearly deduction is approximately $60.00 per year for license plates and $150.00 per year for property taxes. You must advise the county assessor of intent to use tax exemption annually until fully used. Deadline for notification is on or before the fourth Monday in May of the ensuing calendar year.
Surviving spouses of qualified veterans not re-married and fulfilling residence requirements can reopen exemption. It is a lifetime benefit with no maximum limit, except for the yearly limitations.
The current property tax exemption also applies to 100% service connected disabled veterans and veterans who have been granted service connected individual un-employability status certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
Disabled veterans, after using lifetime $800 exemption, can continue getting that part of it based on percentage of disability certified by VA or a branch of armed forces.
Family Support Grant Program
Wyoming Guard, Reserves and Active personnel have available a newly created trust fund administered by the Adjutant General from which “grantor of last resort” funds are available for service members and their family members in need of assistance.
Wyoming Veteran Employment Programs
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) is Wyoming's newest state agency, dedicated to developing a demand-driven workforce that is responsive to Wyoming's businesses, citizens, and economy. Veterans Services ensure assistance is provided or targeted to veterans, including services for veterans who are disabled or have employment issues.
Veterans Preference
Under the law, eligible veterans (separated from the Armed Services under conditions other than dishonorable) are entitled to receive preference over non-veterans in selection and referral to job opportunities in every public department and upon all public works in Wyoming. Veterans’ widows are entitled to the same preference during widowhood. Disabled veterans are entitled to priority over other veterans for such services. One year’s residence is required for preference, and such residence must be in the city or county in which a veteran asserts preference for a municipal or county job. Veterans and those with service-connected disabilities are entitled to points advantage on any merit system examination.
Unemployment Insurance
Claims for Unemployment Insurance (UI), including interstate and intrastate, can be filed using the Internet or the telephone. A telephone or Internet access will be provided to you when you visit the local Employment Center for filing your claim. Note that there are new protections for employers granting the Guard member their old job back.