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Utah State Benefits
The benefits listed on this page are specific to the State of Utah, except where noted, and are generally administered though the state agencies. They are state funded and as such will vary from State to State.
Disabled Veteran Property Tax Abatement
A Utah permanent place-of-residence property tax exemption equivalent to the military service-connected disability rating percentage is provided for disabled veterans or for their unremarried widows or minor orphans. Veteran’s disability rating must be at least 10%. The maximum property tax exemption, rated at 100% military service-connected disability, is $219,164. To figure out how much your tax abatement will be multiply your percentage of disability by 219,164. Example: 10% disability X 219,164 = $21,916.40 tax abatement. This amount is then subtracted from the taxable value of the property and taxes are paid on the remaining amount. To apply for Utah Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption, request VA Form 20-5455 from U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) at 1-800-827-1000, then file VA Form 20-5455, along with a copy of the veteran’s U.S. Military active duty release/discharge certificate or other satisfactory evidence of eligible military service, and the tax exemption application, on or before September 1st, to the applicable county treasurer, tax assessor or clerk/recorder located in the county courthouse or county government building of each county seat. All property must be on record as of January 1st of the year you wish to file. However, a recent change allows qualified widows and orphans an exemption to that rule. NOTE: Effective January 1, 2008 disabled veterans will only be required to file for property tax abatement one time. After the initial filing it will automatically renew each year although the counties may require recertification of home address. However, veterans will have to re-file if all or a portion of their abatement is used towards tangible personal property (i.e. vehicles), if their service-connected disability percentage changes, the veteran dies, sales the property or no longer claims that property as their primary place of residence. (Utah Code 59-2-1104 & 1105)
Purple Heart Tuition Waiver:
Utah public institutions of higher learning are required to waive the tuition of a Utah resident admitted to an undergraduate program of study leading to a degree or certificate, if the student is a recipient of a Purple Heart. Recent changes have expanded this benefit to include a Masters Degree.
Purple Heart Fee Exemption:
Effective 4/30/07, a recipient of a Purple Heart is exempt from paying the following motor vehicle license and registration fees: automobile driver education fee; motor vehicle registration fee; license plate issuance fees; uninsured motorist identification fee; and local option transportation corridor preservation fee. The only fee due is property tax or age-based fee.
Scott B Lundell Tuition Waiver
for Military Members’ Surviving DependentsThis Bill waives the undergraduate tuition at state institutions of higher education for surviving dependents of Utah resident military members killed in the line of duty after 9/11/2001. The waiver in this section does not apply to fees, books, or housing expenses. The Utah Department of Veterans Affairs is the administering agency for this benefit. Call 1-800-894-9497 or (801) 326-2372 for information on how to use this benefit.
Honorary High School Diplomas
Veterans from WWII, Korea and Vietnam who left High School for military service are eligible to receive Honorary High School Diplomas from the school they left. Contact the local school district for information on how to receive the diploma.
Veterans License Plates
Utah veteran’s license plates may be purchased from any DMV for an initial $25.00 contribution to the Utah State Department of Veterans Affairs plus a $10.00 plate transfer fee, in addition to normal vehicle registration and property tax fees. There will also be a yearly $15.00 renewal fee. Proceeds from the sale and renewal of these plates help fund veteran programs within the state. Utah veteran’s license plates display colored decal emblems of the U.S. military branch in which served (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines as well as the American Legion) and are further inscribed “UTAH HONORS VETERANS”. Utah special group license plates for Purple Heart recipients, Pearl Harbor Survivors or former POW’s are exempt of application and renewal fees: however, regular registration and property tax fees still must be paid. Proper evidence to present for special group plates includes Military Order of the Purple Heart or Pearl Harbor Survivors Association membership cards, or DD-214 (& equivalent WD AGO 5355) military discharge certificates. A “Disabled Veteran” plate is also available for Veterans with a service-connected disability. This plate has a one-time $15 fee and no additional renewal fees. Military documentation or VA form 20-5455 must be presented to prove eligibility for this plate. NOTE: This Plate does not qualify for disabled parking privileges. You need not wait until renewal time to purchase the license plates. (Utah Code Vol 2 Section 41: Utah State Tax Commission/Motor Vehicle regulations).