Those That
Library Hosts Ongoing Workshop
The Santa Barbara Public Library (SBPL) has opened Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow as part of its Vets Connect @ the Library resources. The online service supports job seekers, veterans, and their families with all stages of job searching, employment transition assistance, navigating the VA, preparing for standardized tests, and building marketable academic skills.
JobNow/VetNow includes the following features:
- Live Online Navigators trained to help veterans and families connect with benefits and resources, answer questions related to benefits eligibility, and refer patrons to applicable community resources for housing, healthcare, and education benefits.
- Job tools designed to help with all stages of the job-hunting process, including career coaching, expert resume and cover letter templates and assistance, and live interview preparation.
- Learning tools to build academic skills and prepare for college, including a library of lessons, video tutorials, and practice tests covering GED, SAT, ACT, TEAS, HESI, GRE and GMAT.
To join online forum click here.
Telephone Town Hall
March 6, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. CST
If you are a Veteran, or caregiver of a Veteran enrolled in the VA Medical Center health care system you are invited to participate in a telephone town hall. The live event will be held over the telephone.
Call in any time during the live event time frame and press *3 to be connected to a screener. The screener will add your question/comment to the queue. The number is 855-436-3682.