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Oklahoma State Benefits
The state of Oklahoma offers a variety of services, and programs for veterans that reside in the state.
A) Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled Veterans for sales tax, excise tax (Motor Vehicles Only), and ad valorem tax (Spouse included for ad valorem tax only)
B) Free hunting and fishing permit for legal residents with 60% or more disability.
C) State Veterans Center
D) Emergency/Disaster Financial Assistance Program
E) Reduced Fee auto tags
F) State Veterans Employment Preference
G) National Guard Tuition Waiver Program
H) Veterans Service Representatives cover all seventy-seven counties
I) Claims and Benefits Division with representation in Federal VA appeals
Financial Assistance
The Oklahoma War Veterans Commission recognized the need for a program to provide financial aid to veterans, their wives, widows, and children who are experiencing an emergency. Such must be due to an interruption or loss of job and income resulting from illness, injury or disaster such as loss of home due to fire, flood or storm. Unemployment not resulting from the above cannot be considered for one-time emergency aid and not as recurring source of income. Financial aid grants are available to eligible war veterans discharged under honorable conditions, who meet the one year residency requirement and who:
- Meets the definition of a war veteran as defined in Oklahoma Statutes 2001, Title 72, Section 67.13A.
- Has ninety (90) days of actual wartime service, in the Armed Forces for the United States during the period of a time in which the United States participated in a war, campaign or battle, but excluding any person who shall have served on active duty for training only, unless discharged from active duty for service connected disability falling within these dates:
1. WWI from 4/6/17 to 11/11/18.
2. WWII from 12/7/41 to 12/31/46.
3. Korean Conflict from 6/27/50 to1/31/55.
4. Vietnam Era from 8/5/64 to 5/7/75 (2/28/61 for Veterans who served "in country" before 8/5/64).
5. Persian Gulf war from 8/1/90 through future date to be set by law or presidential proclamation.
Note: Proof of service is required.
One (1) year residence in the State of Oklahoma immediately prior to date of application for financial aid.
Other than death cases, a recent medical statement showing the veteran's inability to work is required for emergencies. Involving disasters such as fire, flood or storm damage to a home we request a statement from the investigating agency concerning disaster claims.
The widow or minor child's eligibility is based on the veteran's wartime service; however, on child welfare, the guardian or custodian of the child must have one (1) year residence as required item number 3.
General Application Policies and Procedures
Application for aid available through the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs must originate at the local post or chapter level of the veterans service organizations.
Application will be completed by a Post Service Officer according to instructions and forwarded to the Muskogee Claims Officer for adjudication.
Application should be accompanied by a copy of the veteran's discharge which will remain as a permanent record.
Upon approval of a claim for emergency aid, a warrant will be mailed to the Post Service Officer, who will supervise the proper use of grant funds and maintain accurate and complete records of expenditures of each warrant received and return receipts to the Muskogee Claims Office.
Financial Assistance funds are to be used ONLY for the actual necessities of FOOD, RENT and UTILITIES for veterans and their dependents. The funds cannot be used for old debts, doctor or hospital bills, car payment, etc.
Physical Address:
2311 N. Central
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Post Office Box:
P.O. Box 53067
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Telephone: 405-521-3684
Fax: 405-521-6533
Email our Information Manager Scott Clymer
Sales Tax Exemption
For veterans wanting to register for state sales tax exemption and benefit click here.