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North Dakota State Benefits
The Department assists with state benefits such as state educational benefits for dependent of MIA/POWs, tax exemptions for the disabled, job reinstatement and veterans preference in public employment. We also administer a Veterans Aid Loan Program, a Grant Program, and a Transportation Program.
Our goal is to preserve the dignity and self-determination of veterans through awareness and procurement of available benefits that may improve their living conditions and opportunities; we also serve as a focal point for coordination among agencies, both public and private, in all programs and projects affecting veterans and their dependents.
Veteran's Bonus
Senate Bill 2145, passed by the 59th Legislative Assembly, provides for payment of adjusted compensation (bonus) for domestic and foreign service.
Special License Plates
Disabled American Veteran
To be eligible the Department of Veteran Affairs office must sign a letter stating the applicant is 100 percent service related disabled or attesting eligibility under Public Law 663 of the 79th Congress.
Gold Star
The director (DOT) may issue distinctive number plates to a surviving spouse, parent, including stepmother, stepfather, parent through adoption, and foster parent who stands or stood in loco parentis, grandparents, child, including stepchild and child through adoption, and sibling, including half-brother and half-sister, of a member of the armed forces of the United States who died while serving on active duty during a time of military conflict.
National Guard
Distinctive numbered plates may be issued to members of the National Guard. The Adjutant General shall certify those members of the national guard eligible to receive the plates.
North Dakota Veterans' Cemetery
Distinctive numbered plates may be issued to individuals eligible for interment in the North Dakota Veterans' Cemetery. The surcharge collected will be divided between the Veterans' Cemetery Trust Fund and the Veterans' Cemetery Maintenance Fund.
Purple Heart
Available to those recipients of the Purple Heart award as listed on the DD Form 214 or Certificate