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New Mexico State Benefits
Veterans' Property Tax Exemption
Any veteran who served a minimum of 90 days consecutive active duty (other than for training), has an honorable discharge, and is a legal resident of New Mexico qualifies for a $4000 reduction in the taxable value of their real property for county taxation purposes. This benefit can also be used for a 1/3 discount when registering a vehicle in New Mexico. The benefit is also available to the unremarried surviving spouse of a veteran who would have otherwise qualified for this benefit. Disabled Veteran Property
Tax Exemption
Any veteran who has been rated 100 percent service-connected disabled by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and is a legal resident of New Mexico, qualifies for a complete property tax waiver on their primary residence.
Vietnam Veteran Scholarship
Veterans who have been residents of New Mexico for a minimum of 10 years, served in Vietnam, and were issued the Vietnam Campaign or Service Medal are eligible. The Vietnam Veteran Scholarship will pay full tuition and books at any state funded post-secondary school.
Children of Deceased Veterans
Children between the ages of 16-26 whose veteran parent was killed in action or died as a result of their wounds incurred in battle, qualify for a full tuition waiver at any state funded post-secondary school. A $150 stipend, per semester, will be issued to help with books or fees.
In-State Tuition for Veterans
This allows all honorably discharged veterans and their dependents--regardless of where they live--to immediately qualify as residents and therefore pay less-expensive “resident” or in-state tuition rates and fees at all institutions of higher learning in New Mexico. This eliminates the waiting period needed to qualify as a resident of the state (call the NMDVS office for more details)
Disabled Veterans Hunting and Fishing License
Any veteran rated 100 percent service-connected disabled, qualifies for a free lifetime small game hunting and fishing license in the State of New Mexico.
Free State Park Day Use Passes for Disabled Veterans
Any veteran who is rated 50% or higher service-connected disabled by the VA and is a resident of New Mexico qualifies for an annual day pass and three free nights of camping. Complete and send the application according to the instructions and attach a copy of your NM drivers license and a copy of the VA award letter showing a rating of 50% or higher.
Free State Museum & Monument Admission for Disabled Veterans
Any veteran who is rated 50% or higher service-connected disabled by the VA and is a resident of New Mexico qualifies for free pass to any State Museum or Monument. Complete and send the application according to the instructions and attach a copy of your NM drivers license and a copy of the VA award letter showing a rating of 50% or higher.
Veterans’ License Plates
Any veteran who was honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the U.S. is eligible for a New Mexico veterans' license plate. A fee and registration is required for some plates. Armed Forces Plate Purple Heart 100% Disabled Veteran Pearl Harbor Survivor Ex-POW Medal of Honor
Exemption from Excise Taxes on Vehicle Purchases
Any veteran who has suffered the loss, or complete loss of use of one or more limbs due to their service in the military shall be exempted from excise taxes when purchasing a new vehicle.
The Patriot Plate
Enabled by 2006 legislation, the Patriot Plate is a special license plate that provides the public with an opportunity to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces
World War II and Korean Veterans High School Diploma
Any WWII or Korean War veteran who joined the Armed Forces while attending a New Mexico high school prior to graduation is eligible for a high school diploma.
Military Discharge Papers Protection
Military discharge papers filed with County Clerks in the State of New Mexico shall be available only to the veteran who filed them, the veteran’s next of kin, or a person holding the veteran’s general power of attorney.
Special MacArthur Service Medal
The Special MacArthur Service Medal is issued to known members or their survivors of the 200th Coast Artillery who were residents of New Mexico at their original time of entry into the US Military and served under Gen. MacArthur in the Philippine Islands.
Special Veterans Day Recreation and Museum Privileges
Any New Mexico resident who is currently serving or has served honorably in the U.S. Military, and his or her spouse and children, shall be entitled to the free use of any New Mexico State Park, including the waiving of all admittance, camping, permit or other user fees or charges, and, any exhibit of the Museum of New Mexico, the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, and the New Mexico Museum of Space History. The Special Recreation and Museum Privileges shall be valid only on Veterans Day.
New Mexico Personnel Office Veterans Hiring Preference
Veterans honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces and applicants currently serving in the National Guard shall have five points added to their final passing numerical scores on screening examinations performed by the State Personnel Office. Veterans honorably discharged with a service-connected disability shall have 10 points added to their final passing numerical scores.