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Nebraska State Benefits
Nebraska has four veterans homes located at Grand Island, Norfolk, Omaha, and Scottsbluff. The objective of these homes is to provide domiciliary and nursing home care and subsistence to wartime veterans provided that the veteran meets at least a two year residency requirement, and has become disabled due to service, old age, or other wise to an extent that it would prevent such applicant from earning a livelihood. Entitlement for admission extends to the spouse of any person admitted to one of the homes who has attained the age of fifty years and married to the member at least two years, also, to the surviving spouses and parents of eligible servicemen and women who died while on active duty or who have since died of a service-connected disability as determined by the VA and who have obtained the age of fifty and meet residency requirement of two years in the state. Applications are made through the County Service Officer in the county in which the applicant resides. Completed applications are then submitted to the director of Veterans' Affairs, Secretary for the Board of Inquiry and Review, for approval of legal eligibility and assessment of any maintenance fees and referral to the Grand Island Veterans Home for medical eligibility and further processing. All applications are forwarded to the Board of Inquiry and Review for final action regarding admission.
Cemetery System
The legislation necessary to create the State Veteran’s Cemetery System was passed during the 2006 legislative session. The NDVA is now focusing on building, operating and maintaining cemeteries here in Nebraska. It is the intent of the State of Nebraska to provide a final resting place for our Heroes. The sacrifice of our Veterans will be memorialized in a place of dignity, tranquility and honor. Watch for many developments in the coming year on the first of these cemeteries being built in Box Butte County near Alliance.
Nebraska Veterans' Aid Fund
The NVA Fund was established in 1921. This temporary emergency aid fund assists veterans, their spouses, and dependents when an unforeseen emergency occurs disrupting their normal method of living and when other resources are not immediately available. For NVA purposes, veteran means any person who Served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, other than active duty for training, and who:
was discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general (under honorable conditions) from such service;
died while in service or as a direct result of such service; or
Being a citizen of the United States at the time of his or her entry into such service, served with the military forces of any government allied with the United States during any period identified in section 80-401.01 and was discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general (under honorable conditions) from such service.
All income from the Fund is used for aid and not for administrative expenses of the fund. Aid can only be used for food, fuel, shelter, wearing apparel, funeral, medical, and surgical items.
Application must be made through the County Service Officer or post Service Officer of any recognized veterans' organization in the county nearest the applicant's place of residence and submitted to the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Nebraska Veterans' Service Office
The function of the State Service Office is to interview military veterans, their spouses, and dependents to establish tentative eligibility for veterans' benefits provided by federal and state laws; to advise applicants with claims before the US Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA); and to assist them in the accurate completion of application forms and transmit them to the proper federal or state agency for processing. State Service Officers are recognized representatives for the Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, American Ex-POWs, Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Retired Enlisted Association and the National Association of County Service Officers and are authorized to accept Power of Attorneys from claimants on behalf of the organizations. State Service Officers are located at the VA Regional Office, Lincoln.
Waiver of Tuition
The University of Nebraska, the state colleges, and community colleges on behalf of any eligible child, spouse, widow or widower that meets the following requirements may waive tuition. He or she is a resident of this state and meets the appropriate institutions requirements for paying in-state tuition. He or she has a parent, stepparent or spouse who was a member of the armed forces of the United States and who: (1) Died of a service connected disability; (2) Died subsequent to discharge as a result of injury or illness sustained while in service; (3) Is permanently and totally disabled as a result of military service; (4) Is classified as missing in action or as a prisoner of war during armed hostilities after August 4, 1964. The waiver shall be valid for one degree, diploma, or certificate from a community college and one baccalaureate degree. Applications are submitted to the Department of Veterans' Affairs by contacting the County Veterans Service Officer nearest the applicant’s place of residence.
The Department has approximately 700,000 discharges of Nebraska veterans on microfilm. If a veteran entered from and returned to Nebraska upon separation from military service, a copy of the discharge may be on file in the Department. Documents previously filed with the Selective Service System and National Guard were referred to the Department of Veterans' Affairs. Since October 1, 1979, if requested by the service-member, Military Separation Centers have sent a copy of the Certificate of Release or Discharge from active duty (DD214) to the Department.
Grave Registration
The Department of Veterans' Affairs shall preserve a permanent registry of the graves of all persons who shall have served in the Armed Forces of the U.S. in time of war and whose mortal remains rest in Nebraska. Information concerning the registry can be obtained from the Department of Veterans' Affairs or a County Service Officer.
Retirement Pay Exempt
Governor Pete Ricketts recently signed Legislative Bill (LB) 387 into law, allowing 100% of military retirement pay to be exempted from Nebraska income tax starting January 1, 2022. The Bill was sponsored by Senator Tom Brewer of Gordon at the request of Gov. Ricketts and prioritized by Senator Tim Gragert of Creighton. It passed the final reading with a 47-0 vote.