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Louisiana State Benefits
The 1944 Louisiana Legislature, at the request of various Veterans' Organizations, approved Act 98 which created our Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of administering the affairs of all veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States entitled to benefits in accordance with the laws of the United States and the states thereof.
Dependents Educational Assistance
The State Aid Program - Dependents Educational Assistance.
Section 288 of Title 29 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 has been amended and re-enacted to provide financial aid for children and surviving spouses of certain veterans of this state who died in service in the Armed Forces of the United States or died of a service connected disability incurred during a wartime period.
The law provides the same benefits for those children of living veterans who are rated 90% or above disabled, including 100% individual unemployability, by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs "Schedule for Rating Disabilities", as a result of a disability or disabilities incurred in service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
The law further requires that the deceased veteran must have been a resident of the State of Louisiana for at least twelve (12) months immediately preceding entry into service. The living veteran must have resided in the state not less than twenty-four (24) months immediately preceding the child's admission into the Program.
The surviving spouse must use this Program within ten (10) years of the date eligibility is established. A child must be between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-five (25).
The eligible person may attend any state supported college, university, trade or vocational technical school and are exempt from paying tuition and school imposed fees, such as laboratory, athletic, medical, nonresident or other special fees. Student imposed fees are not exempt. Students are eligible for four (4) years of schooling to be completed in not more than five (5) years.
Military Service Relief Act
Revised Statutes 29:401-425 relative to military and veterans affairs provide for employers compensation, leave status, retirement credit, life, health and accident insurance coverage, re-employment rights upon release from military service, prohibits against academic penalties, deferral of state income taxes, validation of professional and occupational licenses, and protection of any vacancy in office held by an Elected or Appointed Official, for citizens of Louisiana called to military service in the reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States. The district court in which the state or its political subdivision exercises authority or conducts its business shall have jurisdiction to hear action to enforce the Act.
Veterans Civil Service Preference (Employment Preference)
Article X, of the Louisiana Constitution provides a five-point preference in original appointments to persons honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States who served between the following dates of wartime service:
- April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918
- September 27, 1940, through July 25, 1947
- June 25 1950, through January 31, 1955
- July 1, 1958, through May 7, 1975
- August 2, 1990, through, date to be determined (must have been awarded the Southwest Asia Medal) Or, in a peacetime campaign or expedition if a campaign badge or expeditionary medal is authorized.
Ten points preference in original appointments are accorded each honorable discharged veteran who served in either war or peacetime and has one or more service connected disabilities established with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Veterans preference also extends to layoffs over other employees of equal lengths of service and efficiency ratings.
Louisiana War Veterans Homes
The Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs operates five War Veterans Homes. These homes, located in Reserve, Monroe, Bossier City, Jackson, and Jennings provide nursing care. Admission to the Homes is limited to Louisiana war veterans. The applicant must agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing the Home. Applicants who have income will be expected to pay for their care as is set forth in the care and maintenance schedule adopted for governing the Home residents. The applicant must undergo an examination to ascertain whether he/she meets the criteria for admission to the Home.
Necessary application forms may be obtained from any of the local Parish Veterans Service Offices or at the Homes.
For more information call either of these telephone numbers: (225) 634-5265 or (318) 362-4206.
Free "Purple Heart" License Plates
Revised Statute 47:463.26 provides for the issuance of a Free License Plate for recipients of the "Purple Heart" medal to be used in lieu of the regular motor vehicle registration plates. The recipient may be issued only one plate and such plate shall not be subject to renewal requirements applicable to regular numbered plates. A written request submitted with proof of receiving the Purple Heart should be sent to the Department of Public Safety. The surviving spouse may retain this plate in the event of the recipients death.
P.O. BOX 64886
Motor Vehicle - Disabled Veterans - Special License Plates, Exemptions
Subsection B of Section 463 of Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended and re-enacted by Act 263, Section 1 of the Louisiana Legislature, provides for any amputee or blind veteran of World War II or of service on or after June 27, 1950, who is a Louisiana citizen and who received financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in the purchase of an automobile under provisions of Public Law 663 of the 79th Congress as amended, or under Public Law 187 of the 82nd Congress to be exempt from payment of any motor vehicle registration or license tax on such automobile thus received and is also exempt from payment of such tax on each subsequent automobile purchased by him as replacement, so long as it is determined by evidence from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that his disability (disabilities) still meet(s) the requirements which were met originally in establishing his eligibility to an automobile. Fifty percent or more service connected disabled veterans are eligible for the free license plate.
The plates now issued are red, white, and blue in color with the letters "DV" followed by an appropriate number. The license plate is non-transferable to any other individual, but may be transferred from one vehicle to another owned by the veteran, provided the Louisiana Department of Public Safety is furnished the appropriate information concerning the other vehicle. Only one (1) plate may be issued to each eligible veteran. The plates are not subject to renewal requirements by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety, and they are issued upon application to any disabled veteran in lieu of the regular motor vehicle registration license plates.
Act Number 150 of the 1986, Louisiana Legislature provides the holders of these plates be accorded the same privileges as holders of special license plates for handicapped persons.
Act 121 of the Louisiana Legislature amends Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 to provide for the issuance of special license plates to those veterans who were former Prisoners-of-Wars during a Wartime period as defined by R.S. 29:251.2.
The plates are issued without charge and contain the designation of "X-POW" followed by an appropriate number.
The plates are not subject to renewal requirements by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety, and they are issued upon application to any former Prisoner-of-War in lieu of the regular motor vehicle registration license plates. The application must be accompanied by appropriate verification of the veteran's status as a former Prisoner-of-War.
The plates are permanent and may be transferred from one vehicle to another, provided the Louisiana Department of Public Safety is furnished the necessary information on the other vehicle. More than one plate may be issued to each eligible veteran. This plate may be retained and used by the surviving spouse in the event of the death of the X-POW (Act 824, 1985 Regular Session).
Applications for the above mentioned benefits may be obtained at your local Parish Veterans Service Office. Special Prestigious License Plates for Certain Veterans and Retirees The Louisiana Legislature has authorized the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue prestige license plates to certain Louisiana veterans and retired (military) veterans. These plates will be issued for use on any privately-owned passenger car, pickup truck, or van of the veteran applicant. The cost of these plates are the same as the regular issue. Contact the Office of Motor Vehicles to obtain a detailed list of these prestige plates and the requirements for issuance thereof.