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DD Form 214 Card Keepsake
DD Form 214 Card Keepsake

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DD Form 214 Transferred On Plastic Wallet-sized Card.

Each DD Form 214 card is the perfect military keepsake. It is an exact replica of your paper DD Form 214 transferred and printed on a standard plastic credit card size medium. This sentimental military card-document is perfect for the veteran who wishes to carry a copy of his/her DD Form 214 in a wallet or purse.
DD Form 214 Card Details
- DD Form 214 Card size: 30 mil thickness (standard credit card size)
- DD Form 214 Card dimensions: 3.375" x 2.125" (85.6mm x 54mm)
For additional card security, the DD Form 214 Card gives you a secure HoloKote watermark across the surface of each card . The watermark works to prevent tampering and counterfeiting. The HoloKote watermark is highlighted as a high visibility security seal for the security and protection of your DD Form 214.
Extra Features: Waterproof and durable.
Please Read: Veterans with vision problems may have trouble reading the DD Form 214 card. Font size in some areas equal standard arial font size of 1. Using a magnifying glass for viewing may be helpful.